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zoom microscope中文是什么意思

用"zoom microscope"造句"zoom microscope"怎么读"zoom microscope" in a sentence


  • 变焦距显微镜
  • 变焦显微镜


  • Stereoscopic zoom microscope
  • We call this measure as “ global - coarse and local - precise orientation ” , with which full - automation bonding is realized . first a micro vision positioning system based on zoom microscope is established after analysis of mems parts ’ property and bonding requirement , which gets both big visual range and high resolution
  • In the whole bonding application , bond targets ’ identification and orientation are the most important aspects for full - automation . this dissertation introduces zoom microscope into the microscope positioning system to settle the contradiction between microscope ’ s visual range and depth of field . multiple scale images go through various image processing , and finally different bond targets are identified and positioned
  • Finally a novel algorithm flow is made to achieve 3d focusing with zoom microscope . for low enlargement images , global - coarse orientation is realized with auto - thresholding , corrosion - inflation operation and connected components labeling . and for large enlargement images , local - precise orientation is achieved by multiresolution wavelets segmentation on focus measure technique , which use the phenomena that images blur when out - of - focus
用"zoom microscope"造句  
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